This is a developer function to create a new Kitchen class with the existing design.
overwrite = c("graph", "anatomy", "recipe", "validation", "simulate",
#> → No name was supplied so selecting a random named experimental design...
#> → Selected Hyper-Graeco-Latin Square Design
#> <Provenance>
#> Public:
#> append_fct_edges: function (from, to, type = NULL, group = FALSE, attrs = NULL)
#> append_fct_nodes: function (name, role, attrs = NULL)
#> append_lvl_edges: function (from, to, attrs = NULL)
#> append_lvl_nodes: function (value, n = NULL, label = NULL, attrs = NULL, fid = NULL)
#> clone: function (deep = FALSE)
#> deactivate: function (delete = c("graph", "anatomy", "recipe", "validation"))
#> fct_edges: active binding
#> fct_exists: function (id = NULL, name = NULL, role = NULL, abort = TRUE)
#> fct_graph_components: function (id = NULL)
#> fct_id: function (name = NULL, role = NULL)
#> fct_id_ancestor: function (id = NULL, role = NULL)
#> fct_id_child: function (id = NULL, role = NULL)
#> fct_id_descendant: function (id = NULL, role = NULL)
#> fct_id_from_lvl_id: function (id = NULL, fid_search = NULL)
#> fct_id_from_lvl_values: function (value = NULL, fid_search = NULL)
#> fct_id_leaves: function (role = NULL)
#> fct_id_links: function (id = NULL, role = NULL, link = c("direct", "indirect"))
#> fct_id_parent: function (id = NULL, role = NULL, type = NULL)
#> fct_levels: function (id = NULL, name = NULL, return = c("id", "value"))
#> fct_levels_id_to_edbl_fct: function (fct_levels, role)
#> fct_levels_id_to_value: function (fct_levels)
#> fct_levels_value_to_id: function (fct_levels)
#> fct_n: active binding
#> fct_names: function (id = NULL, role = NULL)
#> fct_nodes: active binding
#> fct_role: function (id = NULL)
#> get_edibble_version: function ()
#> get_graph: function ()
#> get_seed: function ()
#> get_session_info: function ()
#> get_simulate: function (name = NULL)
#> get_simulate_result_env: function (name = NULL)
#> get_title: function ()
#> get_trail: function ()
#> get_validation: function (type = NULL)
#> graph_subset: function (id = NULL, include = c("self", "child", "parent", "ancestors"))
#> initialize: function (graph = NULL)
#> is_connected: active binding
#> lvl_edges: active binding
#> lvl_graph_components: function ()
#> lvl_id: function (value = NULL, role = NULL, fid = NULL)
#> lvl_id_ancestor: function (id = NULL, role = NULL)
#> lvl_id_child: function (id = NULL, role = NULL)
#> lvl_id_from_fct_id: function (fid = NULL)
#> lvl_id_parent: function (id = NULL, role = NULL)
#> lvl_mapping: function (from, to, return = c("vector", "table"))
#> lvl_n: active binding
#> lvl_nodes: active binding
#> lvl_values: function (id = NULL, role = NULL, fid = NULL)
#> make_trts_table: function (id = NULL, return = c("id", "value"))
#> mapping: function (role_from, role_to)
#> mapping_to_unit: function (id = NULL)
#> rcrd_class: function (name = NULL)
#> rcrd_exists: function (id = NULL, name = NULL, abort = TRUE)
#> rcrd_ids: active binding
#> rcrd_names: function (id = NULL)
#> rcrd_values: function (uid = NULL, fid = NULL)
#> reactivate: function (design, overwrite = c("graph", "anatomy", "recipe",
#> record_step: function ()
#> record_track_external: function (code)
#> save_seed: function (seed, type)
#> serve_rcrds: function (id = NULL, return = c("id", "value"))
#> serve_trts: function (id = NULL, return = c("id", "value"))
#> serve_units: function (id = NULL, return = c("id", "value"))
#> set_name: function (name)
#> set_simulate: function (name, process, rcrds)
#> set_title: function (title)
#> set_validation: function (validation, type = "rcrds")
#> trt_exists: function (id = NULL, name = NULL, abort = TRUE)
#> trt_ids: active binding
#> trt_names: function (id = NULL)
#> trt_values: function (id = NULL, fid = NULL)
#> unit_exists: function (id = NULL, name = NULL, abort = TRUE)
#> unit_ids: active binding
#> unit_names: function (id = NULL)
#> unit_values: function (id = NULL, fid = NULL)
#> Private:
#> add_trail_internal: function (code)
#> allot_id_last: 1
#> anatomy: formula
#> build_condtable: function (subgraph, return)
#> build_subtable: function (subgraph, return)
#> edbl_version: package_version, numeric_version
#> fct_id_last: 6
#> fct_new_id: function (n = 1)
#> graph: edbl_graph
#> graph_topological_order: function (graph, reverse = TRUE)
#> lvl_id_last: 96
#> lvl_new_id: function (n = 1)
#> name: edibble
#> node_id_parent_child: function (id = NULL, role = NULL, type = NULL, node = c("factor",
#> recipe: design(.title = "Hyper-Graeco-Latin Square Design") set_ ...
#> record_track_internal: function ()
#> seed: list
#> session_info: sessionInfo
#> simulate: list
#> simulate_result_env: environment
#> table: list
#> title: Hyper-Graeco-Latin Square Design
#> trail: list
#> validate_id: function (id, n = NULL, role = NULL)
#> validate_name: function (name)
#> validate_role: function (role)
#> validation: list
#> var_id_ancestor: function (id = NULL, role = NULL, node = c("factor", "level"))
#> var_id_descendant: function (id = NULL, role = NULL, node = c("factor", "level"))