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This function assigns specific treatment or unit levels to actual units.


  .edibble = NULL,
  order = "random",
  seed = NULL,
  constrain = nesting_structure(.edibble),
  .record = TRUE

  .edibble = NULL,
  order = "random",
  seed = NULL,
  constrain = nesting_structure(.edibble),
  .record = TRUE



An edibble design which should have units, treatments and allotment defined.


A character vector signifying the apportion of treatments to units. The value should be either "random", "systematic-fastest", "systematic-slowest", "systematic-random-fastest", "systematic-random-slowest" or a class name corresponding to the algorithm for order_trts(). "random" allocates the treatment randomly to units based on specified allotment with restrictions implied by unit structure. "systematic-slowest" allocates the treatment in a systematic order to units such that the treatment level is slow in varying. In contrast, "systematic-fastest" is fast in varying for treatment levels. "systematic-random-fastest" and "systematic-random-slowest" allocates the treatment in a systematic order to units but where it is not possible to divide treatments equally (as the number of units are not divisible by the number of levels of the treatment factor), then the extras are chosen randomly.


A scalar value used to set the seed so that the result is reproducible.


The nesting structure for units.


Arguments parsed into order_trts functions.


Whether to record the step.


An edibble design.


# 10 subject, 2 vaccine treatments
design() %>%
  set_units(subject = 10) %>%
  set_trts(vaccine = 2) %>%
  allot_trts(vaccine ~ subject) %>%
  assign_trts() %>%
#> # An edibble: 10 x 2
#>      subject  vaccine
#>      <U(10)>   <T(2)>
#>        <chr>    <chr>
#>  1 subject01 vaccine2
#>  2 subject02 vaccine2
#>  3 subject03 vaccine2
#>  4 subject04 vaccine1
#>  5 subject05 vaccine1
#>  6 subject06 vaccine2
#>  7 subject07 vaccine1
#>  8 subject08 vaccine1
#>  9 subject09 vaccine2
#> 10 subject10 vaccine1

# 20 subjects, 2 blocks, assign subjects to blocks
design() %>%
  set_units(subject = 20,
            block = 2) %>%
  allot_units(block ~ subject) %>%
  assign_units() %>%
#> # An edibble: 20 x 2
#>      subject  block
#>      <U(20)> <U(2)>
#>        <chr>  <chr>
#>  1 subject01 block1
#>  2 subject02 block2
#>  3 subject03 block2
#>  4 subject04 block1
#>  5 subject05 block2
#>  6 subject06 block1
#>  7 subject07 block2
#>  8 subject08 block1
#>  9 subject09 block1
#> 10 subject10 block2
#> 11 subject11 block2
#> 12 subject12 block1
#> 13 subject13 block2
#> 14 subject14 block1
#> 15 subject15 block1
#> 16 subject16 block2
#> 17 subject17 block2
#> 18 subject18 block1
#> 19 subject19 block2
#> 20 subject20 block1