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Set the expected values for recording variables


expect_rcrds(.edibble = NULL, ..., .record = TRUE)



An edibble design (edbl_design), an edibble data frame (edbl_table) or an object that contains the edibble data frame in the attribute design.


Name-value pairs with the name belonging to the variable that are plan to be recorded from set_rcrds() and the values are the expected types and values set by helper functions, see ?expect-rcrds.


A logical value. This indicates whether to record this code step. The default is TRUE. It should remain TRUE unless this function is used as a wrapper in other code.


An edibble design.

See also

Other user-facing functions: allot_trts(), allot_units(), design(), export_design(), serve_table(), set_rcrds(), set_trts(), set_units()


takeout(menu_crd(t = 4, n = 10)) %>%
  set_rcrds(y = unit) %>%
  expect_rcrds(y > 0)
#> design("Completely Randomised Design") %>%
#>   set_units(unit = 10) %>%
#>   set_trts(trt = 4) %>%
#>   allot_trts(trt ~ unit) %>%
#>   assign_trts("random", seed = 281) %>%
#>   serve_table() 
#> # Completely Randomised Design 
#> # An edibble: 10 x 3
#>       unit    trt       y
#>    <U(10)> <T(4)> <R(10)>
#>      <chr>  <chr>   <dbl>
#>  1  unit01   trt3       o
#>  2  unit02   trt4       o
#>  3  unit03   trt1       o
#>  4  unit04   trt4       o
#>  5  unit05   trt3       o
#>  6  unit06   trt2       o
#>  7  unit07   trt2       o
#>  8  unit08   trt1       o
#>  9  unit09   trt2       o
#> 10  unit10   trt4       o